Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back To School

Today I took two of my children to a meet and greet at their school. I still can't believe that my baby is in middle school! My kids looked so excited walking around the school, meeting teachers and seeing their friends.

"Back to school" always brings out so many different emotions in our family. It is a mix of intimidation, excitement, and sadness. I remember each child going off to school for the first time. They looked so little. The school was so big. The teacher was so big. And the principal was enormous! But it took no time at all for them to return home excited about the new adventure ahead.

The emotion of sadness is always what I feel as "Mom." Yes, I am happy for all the new things in my children's lives but the beginning of the school year is just another reminder that they are growing up; Another reminder that the years go by all too fast.

So, after I shed a few tears, and heave a big sigh, I go back to being "Mom." I go back to loving my children, listening to my children, and enjoying every stage of their lives. Now, where did I put that extra box of pencils?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I just saw "Aliens in the Attic" with my kids.  Interesting.  

A few observations from a mom's perspective:  First, I am so tired of all the movies that make parents look like absolute imbeciles and totally clueless.  Are we really that bad?  Are our kids trying to tell us something?  I don't know, maybe all these film writers are trying to work through disappointing childhoods.

I am also so tired of the kids in these movies living their lives virtually apart from their parents. Do the parents not even check up on the kids to see what they're up to?

I guess I'm oversensitive on parenting as I see it in our media.  If there were no issues I guess there would be no stories.  And the movies I have seen always end with a special bond made between child and parent so that's good.  

But one thing I have learned from all these movies:  Listen to your children, always.  Especially if they tell you there are aliens in the attic. :)